

An easy way to traverse the art world. Taste is a user-friendly application that allows visual quiz-taking to define someone’s taste in art.

Our algorithm will display a series of paintings to the user, and depending on the user’s selection, it will dynamically change till it can calculate personalized results. Once the application knows the user’s taste, it will display a sample painting and a little history about the said art style. The user can then save the results to their catalog to later refer back to when brushing up on their art history and taste. If the user decides they are tired of the taste or made a mistake, they can quickly delete it from their catalog and thus from their account. 

  • React
  • Ruby
  • ActiveRecord
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • CSS
  • PostgreSQL
  • React-Router-DOM
  • react-fast-marquee
  • react-bootstrap